I'm posting 100 Frugal Tips in 100 Days beginning Friday, April 9th and ending Saturday, July 17th. Keep checking back to see new tips daily!
1. Open up a Savings Account!
2. Buy a big refill bottle of handsoap
3. Double up when cooking or baking
4. Menu Plan
5. Brew your own coffee
6. Use cold water to do laundry
7. Make your own laundry detergent
8. Shop with a list
9. Comparison shop
10. Join a warehouse club
11. Use rainchecks
12. Pack your lunch
13. Freeze perishables
14.Utilize rebates
15. Stock up!!
16. Use coupons
17. Use internet coupons
18. Buy a programmable thermostat
19. Exercise
20. Put windfall money directly into savings
21. Don't carry a credit card balance
22. Clean fruits & veggies right away
23. Shop at discount grocery stores
24. Drive the speed limit
25. Grow your own fruits & veggies
26. Preserve your harvest
27. Get rid of that extra car
28. Use public transportation
29. Cut dryer sheets in half
30. Never pay ATM fees
31. Join your local library
32. Reuse ziploc baggies
33. Eat from the freezer/pantry
34. Look into discounts & benefits at work
35. Avoid unnecessary fees
36. Shop through a cashback site when shopping online
37. Do a search for online coupon codes
38. Take advantage of your credit card reward programs....
39. Budget for everything
40. Do your research
41. Combine the last 5 tips when shopping online
42. Shop at the right time of the year
43. Use tupperware instead of ziploc bags
44. Make your own seasonings
45. Turn off those lights
46. Kick that bad habit
47. Trial a hobby before going full force ahead
48. Don't spend money on things you don't need
49. Follow frugal bloggers via RSS feed
50. Sign up for free samples
51. Don't sign up for every deal
52. Reuse old blankets/sheets/clothes/etc
53. Never pay for boxes when you move
54. Learn to sew
55. Do your holiday shopping immediate after the holidays
56. Limit your eating out
57. Cut your own hair
58. Take advantage of free gift cards with prescriptions
59. Join Swagbucks
60. Kiss the Jones' Goodbye
61. Get renters/homeowners insurance
62. Reconsider your premiums
63. Don't buy "travel size" items
64. Learn to DIY
65. The "Use Less" Principle
66. Bring your own food on road trips
67. Sell stuff online
68. Be careful what you put in the dryer
69. Plan out your errands
70. Take advantage of movie kiosks
71. Get rid of that cable and internet
72. Use a family cell phone plan
73. Lose your landline
74. Voice your complaints
75. Voice your praises
76. Swap services with friends, family, and neighbors
77. Get a ride to/from the airport
78. Play the drugstore game
79. Stock up on gift wrap after Christmas
80. Find free things to do in your community
81. After you pay something off, keep paying yourself
82. Shop at Goodwill or Salvation Army
83. Ignore society and the media
84. Make your own cleaning products
85. Plan a frugal birthday!
86. Turn off the A/C?
87. Switch to the "Envelope Method"
88. Have a "No Spending" challenge
89. Have a savings competition
90. Run appliances at night during the summer
91. Bring a snack & bottle of water with you wherever you go
92. Use rags instead of paper towels
93. Split an entree when you go out to dinner
94. Use a piggy bank
95. Don't wait 'til the last minute
96. Use a water purifying system or pitcher
97. Cancel your cell phone insurance
98. Make your own gifts for family & friends
99. Switch to term life insurance
100. Keep following Frugal Made Fun
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2 hours ago
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