Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Recipe of the Week - Lemon Glaze Lemon Bars with Blackberries

Monday, December 27, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Best Ever Turkey Noodle Soup
Monday: Chicken Casserole from an Amish cookbook Tom's mom gave me last year for Christmas (But with leftover turkey)
Tuesday: Crockpot Pizza Rice Casserole (from Fix it and Forget it), salad
Wednesday: Company Mac & Cheese, Garlic Cheddar Chicken, Sauteed Apples
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Dinner with The Drankas! Happy New Year!
Saturday: Stuffed Pork chops, Some sort of veggie mix, orzo
As always, be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Weekly Savings - Christmas Edition

We also ran into Jewel real quick and spent $6.66 (yikes!) on sausage and some nose pad things to fix Tom's glasses.
Total for the week: $52.03 Not too bad!!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
First of all, allow me to recommend the Hot Chicken Salad Sandwiches from last week. Yum! I heated everything in the microwave for time's sake and it was SO good! I imagine it would be better in the crock pot (if you have the time) because it allows the flavors to blend together a little longer, but it was amazing in the microwave alone.
Sunday: Spinach stuffed chicken
I'm kind of going to wing this one. I found the recipe in a magazine. Some spinach, some cheese....I'll let you know how it turns out :)
Monday: Cha-cha's White Chicken Chili, pineapple
Tuesday: Crock Pot Amazing meat loaf (from Fix it and Forget it), salad
Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Fiesta Surprise
Christmas: Two hour Turkey (which always takes longer than 2 hours!), stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus
As always, be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Weekly Savings

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Homemade Granola Bars

Monday, December 13, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Saturday: (this changed from last week so I wanted to include it): Butternut Squash soup, salad
Sunday: Crockpot Whole Chicken (I just seasoned the chicken with some paprika, butter, garlic cloves, salt & pepper, threw it in the crockpot with a little chicken broth, and let it cook for 7 hours), mashed potatoes, peas
Monday: Eggplant Parmesan
Tuesday: Hot chicken salad sandwiches (from Fix-It and Forget-It: 5-ingredient favorites with leftover chicken from Sunday)
2 Tbsp. onion, minced, 1 cup mayo, 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1.5 cups shredded cooked chicken, 1/2 cup slivered almonds or pecans. Mix all in slow cooker on low for 2 hours or until heated through. For time's sake I might just mix this all in the microwave.
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Something with tortillas and leftover chicken...quesadillas or fajitas maybe?
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Dinner out
As always, be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Weekly Savings

Total: $57.63
Monday, December 6, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday Hamburger Noodle Bake (It says you have to log in to see the recipe, but you can still see it by scrolling down, just leave the "log-in" box there)
Monday Chicken Cheddar Chowder, spinach salad, crusty bread
Tuesday Broccoli Quiche
Wednesday Salsa Chicken & Black Bean soup
Thursday A1 Mozzarella Burgers, peas, mashed potatoes
Friday Buffalo chicken pockets, salad
Saturday Leftovers
As always, be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekly Savings

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I need an Intervention
So what's the problem?
I am always spending money! Today I went to three stores and dropped $25 like nothing! (I did get some good deals, and it was mostly stuff we needed...2 bottles of toilet bowl cleaner, an 8 pack of soap, a shirt ($5), painting materials, creamer, butter, and a 6 pound chicken.
I do usually stick to our weekly budget, and rarely go over, but I'm thinking I might want to try the beloved "Envelope Method" and just use the cash. When it's gone, it's gone.
Part of this revelation is coming from me being out of work for 7 weeks, and part of it is from us really wanting to buy a house in the next year and me feeling strongly about putting 20% down. I think I'm going start the cash only system in January, once I start getting regular paychecks and we can get back in our budget groove. Until then, I'm going to carefully consider every purchase and assess whether it's a "necessity" or not. (BTW, my favorite champagne that happens to be on sale for $4.49 at Jewel now through January 3rd is most definitely a necessity ;)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Menu Plan Monday: Tuesday Edition
Sunday: PW's Leftover Turkey Pot Pie
Monday: Spaghetti
Tuesday: Broccoli, turkey, and cheese bake
Wednesday: Salad, Crockpot Mozzarella Chicken
Thursday: Chicken Scampi, cauliflower
Friday: Homemade calzones
Saturday: I'm always stumped on Saturdays...maybe some kind of soup?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Weekly Savings

10 boxes Green Giant vegetables
12 pack Sam Adams
12 pound turkey
3 pound pot roast
5 sweet potatoes
2 bags shredded cheese
3 lemons
1 box corn starch
1 bag cinnamon rolls
3 containters sage, rosemary, & thyme
1/2 pint of oysters
Friday, November 26, 2010
My Black Friday Deals

2 Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice
Bic Soleil razors
Hair bands
2L of Canada Dry Gingerale
Thursday, November 25, 2010
CVS Black Friday Trip

1 Gallon of milk
Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner
Eucerin Lotion
Colgate Toothpaste
Gillette Deodorant
Carmex Lip Balm
Reeses Pieces
According to my receipts I saved $23.61 (Yes, that is receiptS as in plural...I divided up my order into 4 transactions to minimize my OOP cost).
And believe it or not, I'm actually NOT going shopping tomorrow! I may hit up Walgreens for some cheap razors and sparkling grape juice, but I don't really count that as Black Friday Shopping. This will be the first time in as long as I can remember that I haven't gone shopping on Black Friday!! Hopefully it's a sign of my progress in regards to only buying what we "need" or really, really, really want!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Salad, Company Mac and Cheese
Monday: Italian Spinach Pie
Tuesday: Beef beer roast, Oven roasted potatoes
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Oyster Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Herb Roasted Turkey & Stuffing, Lemon Meringue Pie
Friday: Pioneer Woman's Turkey Pot Pie
Saturday: Best Ever Turkey Noodle Soup
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Weekly Savings

Target (on left)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday Crispy herb baked chicken, toasted orzo, avocados
Monday World's Best Potato Salad, An adaptation of Pioneer Woman's Potato Skins, salad
Tuesday Baked Potato Soup, salad
Wednesday Almond, Chicken, and Rice Casserole
Thursday Chicken Quesadillas
Friday Homemade pizza with Pioneer Woman's pizza crust recipe
Saturday I'm not really sure yet! Possibly leftovers, possibly some kind of soup
Saturday, November 13, 2010
CVS & Walgreens...again

Can you tell it's almost baking season? And free toothbrushes so we don't get cavities. :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
CVS & Walgreens

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Top 5 Favorite Kitchen Items
1. Kitchenaid Scissors
2. Food Processor
3. Mini Food Processor
4. Garlic Press
5. Crock pot
What are your favorite kitchen items???
Monday, November 1, 2010
We interrupt regularly scheduled Menu Plan Monday....
But the key word is "us." It would have been much more difficult had it been just one of us trying to find our way. And Chicago IS the 3rd largest city in the country! And I did just earn some extra money from completing the Virgin Healthymiles program through my work. Okay, I am completely rationalizing my purchase!
I think what surprises me more than anything is the complete spontaneity of it. Usually I research, and research, and research products and debate over whether or not we really need them and then spend days to weeks trying to find the best deal. Not Thursday night. The whole process took less than an hour. And I don't regret it one bit :)
*Regularly scheduled Menu Plan Monday may or may not return next week. It all depends on when our movers arrive with all of our belongings and if our internet is set up at the new place and if I'm organized enough to make a menu plan for our first week in our new apartment in a new city!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Last Ever Publix Trip!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
5 Purchases I don't regret
- Bailey. I love, love, love our dog. She didn't really cost a lot of money ($75 from the shelter) but all of the things that come along with owning a dog certainly add up. We've actually been pretty fortunate in that she's a pretty low maintainence and so far (knock on wood) we haven't had any emergency vet visits.
- Our tv. I watch a decent amount of tv. I really enjoy it and it helps me unwind. Plus sports are awesome in hi-def.
- My netbook. I was kind of going back and forth on getting one, but I'm really, really glad I did. I'm definitely getting my money out of it.
- Our apartment. We could definitely live in a smaller place or different area and pay less in rent. It's all relative, as what we pay now is equivalent to what I paid in Philadelphia and we easily have twice the space plus a few extra nice amenities (private outdoor space, use of the pool, tennis courts, W/D in apt, dishwasher). (Even though this will all be changing soon!)
- Our car. We didn't exactly do the smart thing with our first joint car purchase....we leased it. But our lease has ended and we purchased it outright. In the longterm we've paid more on the car than it's worth, but we learned our lesson and we really enjoy not having a car payment.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Hamburgers, broccoli and mozzarella cheese mixture
Monday: Broccoli quiche
Tuesday: Cheesy Chicken & Rice casserole
Wednesday: Jim 'N Nick's
Thursday: Tomato, mozzarella, & pasta baked mixture
Friday: Tortellini, garlic bread, salad
Saturday: Almond chicken & rice casserole
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Walmart: Not Frugal, Not Fun
I have never been a "fan" of Walmart, but I must confess that I continue to shop there because it is so convenient (literally less than a mile from where we live) and usually pretty cheap. I don't do the bulk of my shopping there, but I will run in if we are out of something or need eggs, creamer, etc, because it is usually cheaper there than anywhere else. From now on, I'm making a pledge to avoid Walmart like the plague. I think it's time I jump on the Hating Walmart bandwagon and never look back. (I mean, there is a reason why Google produces 271,000 results when you type in "I hate Walmart.") Here is a copy of the lovely letter I filed on their website:
Dear Walmart,
I was in your Walmart (Store #1481, Transaction # XXXX) today (10/24/10) and I bought 19 of the Key Lime flavored waters (we thoroughly enjoy them). I did not count how many we had prior to our transaction, but I did count them along with the cashier as she was ringing them up. I counted 19. As the cashier handed me the receipt, I saw that she had charged us for 21 waters. I double counted the waters in the bags in my cart because I thought maybe I had miscounted. No, there were still only 19 waters.
By this time the cashier was ringing up the next customer, so instead of interrupting her I went over to the (already long) Customer Service line. I waited in this line for about 10 minutes, as there was only 1 person working at Customer Service (despite there continuing to be a long line of customers behind me). Finally, a Customer Service “Manager” came to help, and I happened to be the next person in line.
I explained to him that I had only purchased 19 waters (still all in my cart in case he wanted to count them) but I was charged for 21. He proceeded to try to refund me 3 waters, even though 21 minus 19 equals 2. However, he was unable to get the register to work (after about 5 minutes of trying) to refund the money on my debit card.
In the past when I have been overcharged (yes, this has happened several times at this Walmart), the Customer Service representative simply refunded the difference to me in cash.
The Customer Service "manager" said I would have to go to the next Customer Service representative/register, even though there were 2 other registers open next to him. I had already wasted 15 minutes of my life, simply to get the $1.28 + tax returned to me for which I had been overcharged. I did not feel like wasting any more time in this store because Walmart employees could not count, so I left, very upset.
It’s not about the money. I will certainly be able to put food on the table and I won’t lose my apartment just because Walmart stole $1.28 from me. It’s the principle of the matter, that not one, but two Walmart employees could not accurately count, and the amount of time I wasted in your store today was ridiculous.
There is a rapidly growing fan base against Walmart and I can easily see why. I certainly would rather go out of my way and spend more money than return to this Walmart and chance facing another unpleasant experience such as this one.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Publix & Walgreens

Spent: $6.70
Saved: $33.54
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Give it away!
You know you have reached Expert Level in couponing when you get free items with coupons just to donate or give away to those in need.
This is the end of the Grocery Budget Series! Stay tuned for something new and exciting on Frugal Made Fun!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: One Pot Spaghetti
Monday: White chicken chili in crock pot
Tuesday: Potluck Going Away Dinner with work
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Tortelleni with vodka sauce, garlic bread, salad
Friday: Spicy black bean veggie burgers, rice, salad
Saturday: Tortellini Soup
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Maximize your list
If you're anything like me, you’ve been shopping with a grocery list for some time now. Why not make it a little better? There have been several times where I picked up the wrong item or accidently brought along the wrong coupon, or even had an item ring up at the wrong price but I didn’t realize it until after I got home.
In addition to your list items, you will want to write down how many of the items you want and how much the items should cost after your coupons. This also gives you a really great idea of how much you will be spending before you even step foot in the store! I'll also write down the size of the item on sale or the size the coupon is for, because there's nothing worse than buying the wrong size item and paying full price!! (Okay, there are plenty of things that are worse than that...but it still makes me mad!)
Finally, if I have a lot of time, I'll even write down the items in the order that I will find them in the store. It takes a little extra prep time but significantly cuts down on my time in the store!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Use multiple coupons
Shop at stores that allow you to use multiple coupons on the same items. Some stores allow you to use a store coupon with a manufacturer's coupon on the same item...when combined with a sale this can mean free or close to free items!
A few common stores that accept multiple coupons on the same item are CVS, Publix, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. Some stores require that you have at least as many items as you do coupons. And sometimes stores will put out coupons that *look* like store coupons (i.e. they say "Publix" or "CVS" on them but they may also say "Manufacturer Coupon" somewhere on them so be sure to double check before you try to combine coupons!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Best ever chicken noodle soup (from the freezer)
Monday: Chicken Tortilla Casserole (from the freezer), salad
Tuesday: Spicy black bean veggie burgers, rice, broccoli
Wednesday: Fettucini Alfredo, salad
Thursday - Saturday: We were supposed to go to Chicago to find a place to live, meet with potential employers (for me), and meet with Tom's lab. I'm not sure if we're both still going to go.
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Publix Trip: Quadruple Savings!
Spent: $10.42
Saved: $43.75

2 bottles Hidden Valley salad dressing
3 containers bread crumbs
Green beans
2 cans Chunky soup
2 bottles iron pills
2 bottles vitamins
2 boxes of pasta
Resolve Spray 'n Wash
Taco seasoning
Publix Cola (penny item)
This may be your last awesome Publix Trip post in a while, unfortunately. I can't even fathom standing up long enough to cook dinner let alone going to the grocery store. And a $150 ER co-pay also makes me want to save a little money. You can read all about that here.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Only buy things when they are on sale
Only buy things when they are on sale - this takes patientce and discipline...this is why I put this toward the end of the series. If you use coupons, buy things when they are on sale, and buy enough to last you 6-8 week,s until the next sale, you will be set! Not to mention you will be saving a ton of money!
There are few things (if any) that I pay full price for. Almost everything we purchase (groceries, toiletries, household items) can be bought when they are on sale and stored until you need them.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Follow frugal bloggers
I posted about this in my 100 Frugal Tips, but it is certainly worth mentioning again. And it really makes grocery shopping so EASY!!! There are several frugal bloggers who post all the sale items each week for various grocery stores and tell you where to get the coupons from. They do all of the work for you! All you have to do is make your list, gather your coupons, and off you go!
Here are a few of my favorites:
If you can't find your grocery store match-ups on any of the above sites, google your grocery store name + "coupon match ups" and see what comes up!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Leftovers from grilling on Saturday
Monday: Ravioli, garlic bread, salad
Tuesday: Pizza meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli
Wednesday: Fettucini Alfredo, salad
Thursday: Broccoli & cheddar soup
Friday: Possible celebratory dinner out
Saturday: Cheesy Chicken & Rice casserole
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
CVS & Publix: Spent $22 Saved: $43.32 ECB: $5

Saved: $24.85
2 New England Coffee
2 jars Pace salsa
1 box Fiber One bars
4 blocks of cheese
1 pack Cheese singles

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Be on the lookout for coupons
Not only is the grocery store a great place to use coupons, it's a great place to find coupons too! Be on the lookout for coupons throughout your grocery store on your next visit. Here are some different kinds of coupons that can be found in various stores:
Blinkies: These are little black mounts near different products in the store. They're called "blinkies" because they usually have a little red light that blinks and when you pull out a coupon, another one pops up.
Tearpads: There are exactly like they sound. Found in front of whatever product the coupon is for. Just tear one off!
Peelies: These are coupons found on the actual package. I never take/use these unless I actually purchase the object.
Display stands: Don't breeze past display stands, sometimes they have sheets of coupons for products in or near the stand.
Be sure to look inside boxes and packages before recycling them or throwing them away. Occasionally manufacturer's put coupons on the inside of packaging.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Don't use EVERY coupon!
Just because you now have lots of coupons certainly doesn't mean you have to use them all! Don’t feel the need to use a coupon if you’re not going to use the product! (unless it’s free and you're planning on donating it). I only use probably 1/4 of the coupons that I clip, but it's well worth it to clip all of them. You never know when a product is going to go on sale and with a coupon you can get it for a rock bottom price!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: King Ranch Chicken casserole
Monday: Broccoli quiche
Tuesday: Morningstar chicken veggie burgers, potatoes, salad
Wednesday: Garlic cheddar chicken, pasta side, salad
Thursday: Broccoli Casserole (from the freezer)
Friday: Spicy black bean veggie burgers, rice, salad
Saturday: Burgers, bratwurst, and other foods from the grill!
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Publix Trip...I can't stay away.

1 box Fiber One cereal
4 Progresso soups
2 bottles Wishbone salad dressing
1 bottle Log Cabin Syrup
3 boxes of tissues
2 bags Gorton's fish sticks
1 bag salad
7 four packs of Fiber One Yogurt
3 boxes of soft pretzels
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Organize Your Coupons
Cutting coupons is a great way to save money. But if you don't take the time to organize them, what's the point? You'll never be able to find what you're looking for! There are many, many different ways to organize coupons. My advice is to do whatever works best for you. Everyone thinks a little bit differently and what works well for some people may not work well for others.
Here and here are some great resources with some different ideas to organize coupons. I personally use a coupon organizer like this one and divide coupons between 3 categories (Food, Health & Beauty, and Household Supplies), and then I organize them alphabetically. It works really well for me!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Know your coupon policies
Different stores have different coupon policies. The next time you set foot in your favorite grocery store, be sure to swing by the Customer Service desk to find out the exact policy. Here are a few good questions to get you started:
1. Do you double coupons? If so, up to what value?
Some grocery stores double manufacturer coupons up to $0.50
2. Do you offer any store coupons?
Some grocery stores put out their own coupons each month.
3. Can I use a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon for the same item?
Some grocery stores allow you to "double up" and use a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon for the same item.
4. Is there a limit on the number of coupons I can use?
Some stores require that you have at least as many items as you do coupons. Usually this can be "overridden" by a manager but most cashiers do not know how to do this.
5. Do you accept printable coupons?
Most stores do, but there are some that don't. Also, some stores only accept printable coupons below a certain $ amount (i.e. some won't accept printable coupons over $5).
6. Do you price match?
7. Do you accept competitor coupons?
Some grocery stores accept competitor coupons in addition to their own. This can be great because there are a lot of stores (drugstores included) that offer coupons that are $5 off $25 or something similar.
8. Do you offer any coupon promotions throughout the year?
Some stores offer double or triple coupon days.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Gnocchi, frozen veggies
Monday: Broccoli quiche
Tuesday: Tuna Melts, salad
Wednesday: Chicken parm w/ pasta, fruit
Thursday: Spicy black bean veggie burgers, rice, salad
Friday: Homemade calzone
Saturday: King Ranch Chicken casserole
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Publix Trip

8 cans Campbell's Select Harvest soup
2 boxes Ronzoni orzo
2 boxes finish dishwasher detergent
1 box of Wheat Thins
1 bag of Publix coffee (this was the penny item)
We also went to Sam's Club and bought 4 gallons of milk at $2.39 each for a total of $10.42.
So we spent $19.14 on groceries this week. Not too shabby :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Get coupons via the Sunday Paper
The majority of coupons come from the Sunday paper. There are usually at least 2 inserts (smartsource & redplum) in every Sunday paper (except for major holidays). If you don't already receive the Sunday paper, you can buy it for only $1 at The Dollar Store. You could also call your local paper or visit their website. A lot of papers offer specials on Sunday or weekend delivery. For example, we currently get the Wednesday and Sunday papers for only $1/week. This site even tells you which inserts, and what coupons, will be in each Sunday's paper. Keep in mind that there are regional differences, but this site can give you an idea if you want to buy that Sunday's paper (or if you want to buy several)!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Online coupons
The easiest way to adjust to using coupons is to print online coupons for free. (But be sure to check with your grocery store to make sure they accept printable coupons, most do, but it doesn't hurt to double check). Most coupon sites have you download a "coupon printer" and require you to register with them. I recommend creating an email account solely for coupon sites so your regular email doesn't get bombarded with coupon emails! Here are a few good free coupon websites:
A few important things to remember about printable coupons:
- Most websites reset on the 1st of every month
- You can print 2 coupons per computer (by hitting the "back" and then the "refresh" buttons)
- You CANNOT photocopy these coupons! That is illegal. Most of them have watermarks to prevent people from doing this.
- All coupons have an overall "print limit." This means if it is something popular, it may not be available all month. So if you see a printable coupon you know you will use, go ahead and print it!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Stuffed shells, salad, garlic bread
Monday: Lemon Garlic Tilapia, orzo, frozen veggies
Tuesday: Romano's Grill spicy sausage and pasta
Wednesday: Frozen veggie mix, baked pasta with cheese and chicken
Thursday: Slow cooker salsa chicken
Friday: Spicy black bean veggie burgers (Morningstar), rice, salad
Saturday: Sausage & Broccoli Noodle Casserole (from the Ultimate Casserole Book)
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Publix Trip & Tailgating Disaster (for the budget)

Here are the Publix stats. I'm not even going to share with you the tailgating stats ;)
Spent: $10.84
Saved: $22.93

2 boxes Crystal Light drink mix
2 Bailey's coffee creamers
1 can of Pam
5 containers of cream cheese
1 bottle of canola oil
1 bagged salad
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Shop at Multiple Stores
If you are lucky enough to have a few grocery stores near each other, near your house, or on your way home, you can take advantage of sale offers at all of them! Just scan the flyers to see if any items you commonly use are at rock-bottom prices and be sure to swing by and pick up a few. You don't have to shop at mutliple stores every week, but it doesn't hurt to look through the weekly ad just to see if any items you use are on sale!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Eat from the Pantry Challenge!
I already have our meals planned for the next 4 weeks, and a few random meals after that. I may have to get creative near the end! That or we'll be eating a LOT of pasta. I'll keep you posted on how it's going!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Start a Price Book
What is a pricebook you ask? It's when you keep track of prices of commonly used items at various stores. It doesn't have to be a book. Just write down some items on a piece of paper that you commonly buy when grocery shopping. Write how much they cost at your regular grocery store. The next time you go to Walmart, Target, a warehouse club, or another grocery store, jot down the price of the items on your list at those stores. This helps you to not only find which store has the best deal but also to know what a "good" price is for that item (i.e. writing down the sale price or figuring out if it is actually cheaper per serving to buy the item in bulk).
After a while, you'll just know if an item is on sale at a good price or not. I don't have prices memorized, but I know a ballpark of what I am willing or not willing to pay for various items. Here is a good blog post about pricelists. There are some examples and even a blank one to get you started.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Chilli Noodle Casserole
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Ravioli, garlic bread, salad
Wednesday: Lemon Garlic Tilapia, orzo, frozen veggies
Thursday: Sausage & Broccoli Noodle Casserole
Friday: Dinner with the fam (and a bus full of Penn State fans!)
Saturday: Tailgating!!! So some brats, burgers, & dogs hot off the grill!
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Publix...the Addiction Continues

1 bottle Wisk Laundry Detergent
5 boxes Mueller's pasta
2 YoPlus yogurt 4 packs
5 bags shredded cheese
2 packages sliced cheese
2 containers of sour cream
1 bag of rice
2 Old El Paso Taco Seasoning packets
1 loaf of white bread
1 loaf of wheat bread
2 bottles ranch dressing
2 packages Dixie paper plates
2 Green Giant valley fresh steamers
2 Newman's Own pasta sauce
2 packages Ballpark hot dogs
1 Glade candle
1 Velveeta
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Menu Plan Around the Flyers
Plan your menu around the flyers. Some stores even publish a few recipes or meal ideas on their website or right in their flyer using items that are on sale that week. Also, if you do enough googling, there are various bloggers who publish meal plans/recipes based on what a particular grocery store has on sale that week.
Allrecipes.com is a lifesaver for me. If you have a flyer next to you, type some of the sale items into the "Ingredient search" or the main search box. Then sort by "rating" for numerous yummy recipes!
Just make your list and then off to the store you go!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Buy Generic
Buy the generic version. There are a handful of items that I am unwilling to compromise on the brand. However for 95% of our other purchases, I can hardly tell the difference between the brand name and the generic. If you are willing to stick with the grocery budget plan and master using coupons, you'll actually be able to get the brand name items for a fraction of the price of the generic items using coupons combined with sales. However, if you don't have time to cut and use coupons, buying generic is the way to go!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Monday: Sausage & Broccoli Noodle Casserole
Tuesday: Macaroni Grill's spicy sausage and pasta
Wednesday: Chicken quesadillas (tortillas in fridge, cooked chicken in freezer)
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Homemade calzone
Saturday: Chilli Noodle Casserole
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Publix Trip
Spent: $32.93
Saved: $67.35

4 boxes Morningstar veggie burgers
5 boxes Kellogg's cereal (Submitting for $5 Publix Gift Card offer through Kellogg's)
1 box Ritz crackers
1 box Ritz pretzel/crackers
2 bottles Mayo
1 box of tea bags
2 bags of Dove peanut butter chocolate candies
1 five pound bag of potatoes
1 package Fiber One Yogurt
4 Campbell's Select Harvest soup
4 Cream of mushroom/chicken soup
1 package brats
1 4-pack TP (this was the penny item this week....toilet paper for $0.01? Yes please!)
And here is our Aldi trip pre-mountain getaway:

Spent: $18.10
Saved: ???? a lot hopefully :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Make a List!
Make a list! Now that you are looking through the flyers every week, why not just simply write down the things that you need that are on sale, in addition to whatever else you are out of. Now, the hard part about lists is not writing one, it is sticking to it! When you go to the grocery store, do not put anything on your cart that is not on your list!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Stock Up!
Stock up when things are on sale. If you are looking through the flyers, you can see when stuff you use is on sale. If it's on sale for half price (or buy one, get one), just buy a few extra! If you absolutely know you are going to use it, why would you not buy it when you can get such a discount?! A little overwhelmed or short on space? Start by just stocking up on the items that are easy to store and last a long time (pasta, cereal, canned goods, etc). These items stack well on a built-in shelf or two that you can get for about $10 at Walmart.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Saturday: Strawberry salad and mozzarella pesto grilled cheese
Sunday: Almond Chicken & Rice Casserole, Basil & Pesto Hummus
Monday: Crockpot Bruschetta feta chicken, salad
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Beef & Rice Enchiladas
Thursday: A1 Mozzarella burgers, corn on the cob
Friday: Beef & Vegetable Kebabs
Saturday: Savory steak, grilled potatoes, grilled veggies
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Saturday, August 21, 2010

2 bottles Lysol disinfectant
1 6-pack Octoberfest
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How it works: Every day Groupon offers different deals for 50-90% off! The catch? Enough people have to purchase the deal for it to work (it's kind of like buying things in bulk). If not enough people purchase it, you will not be charged, and you will not get the deal.
As I mentioned above, today's deal is for the Gap, however a lot of times the deals are city-specific and will be to restaurants, theaters, spas, stores, etc in your hometown.
And remember, as with anything else when it comes to being frugal, only purchase the deals if you were already planning on spending money on that particular item! Good luck!
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Shop the Flyers
Pay attention to what is on sale that week. Most people should get the weekly ad in the mail (even if you don't have a subscription to your local paper). If you don't, almost all grocery stores post their weekly ads online. Simply peruse through the flyer before you go to the grocery store and make a mental note of what's on sale.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Shop at a Supercenter
Shop at Walmart or Target. (Ugh, I cannot believe I am promoting going to Walmart - Every time I step foot in that store my stress level rises and I think I shave a few months off my life expectancy). That being said, stuff IS cheaper there, especially compared to grocery store prices. If you're wanting to save a few bucks but simply do not have the time to follow some of the upcoming recommendations, shop at a Supercenter a couple of times a month.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Beef & Rice Enchiladas, corn on the cob
Wednesday: Spicy Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup
Thursday: Pasta with pesto, garlic bread, salad
Friday: Homemade pizza, salad
Saturday: Almond, Chicken & Rice Casserole
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site. Over 300 bloggers link up which means lots of new recipes and ideas!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Publix & CVS
Spent: $25.91
Saved: $33.32

6 boxes Aunt Jemima frozen pancakes ("snack" for the hubby)
1 Publix frozen pizza
3 boxes Scotties tissues
1 box Superpretzel soft pretzels (another snack for the hubby)
2 Pillsbury dough rolls
4 bags of croutons
1 Sirloin tip steak (for the mountains.....mmmmm kebabs!)
1 box orzo
1 package Dentastix
1 cucumber
As far as drugstores go, I usually lean toward Rite Aid because I really like the idea of getting cash back (in the form of a rebate) that I can simply deposit back into my checking account, instead of getting "drug store money" that can only be used at that particular "drug store." However, Rite Aid recently jumped on the drug store money bandwagon and it seems (to me at least) like they are not offering as many rebates as they did previously. I had been wanting to try out "CVSing" for some time now, it seems easy enough to get a lot of household and toiletry items for free and they hands down have better customer service than Walgreens. Here is what I purchased today:

Spent: $4.11
Saved: $15.07
Dawn Dishsoap (free)
Dry Idea deodorant (free)
Purex 3-in-1 detergent ($3)
Received: $2 in ECB (Extra Care Bucks) that can be used on my next purchase at CVS and a coupon for $4 off my next $20 purchase.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape: Buy in Bulk
Buy in bulk. Shop at a warehouse club for things you commonly buy at the grocery store. Even if you just go once/month, you will be saving money. They won't have everything you buy at the grocery store, but you would be surprised with the number of items they do have. Even if you don't do anything else to save money, your cost per serving/person will likely be a lot less if you buy in bulk as opposed to buying items at the grocery store (especially if they're not on sale!).
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Whip Your Grocery Budget Into Shape! Set a Budget
The title of this series is "Whip Your Grocery BUDGET Into Shape!" The key word being "Budget!" The first step to setting a budget on groceries is to get an idea of what you are currently spending. For the next couple of weeks, save your grocery reciepts and at the end of each week add up how much you spent. By the end of 4 weeks, you should have a pretty good idea of what you average on groceries per week. If this "average" seems appropriate in relation to the number of people in your family and in regards to your salary, then make that average your new grocery budget number. If it seems high, at least you have a starting point. Try to decrease it by 10-20% each month until you feel like you are at an appropriate number.
(For what it's worth, our food budget is about 12% of our takehome pay. But we also include household supplies, pet food, spending money, etc in that 12%. So technically it's probably more like 8% but I've never done the numbers officially).
Here are a couple of blog posts to help you start thinking about how much is appropriate for your grocery budget:
Appropriate Food Budget for Family of Four by Trent @ The Simple Dollar
The Average Food Budget of a Family of Four by eHow
The Grocery Budget at BeingFrugal.net