Only mildly better today. Adam had his 9 month pediatrician appointment so we made a few stops afterwards. He was a rockstar.
We stopped at Salvation Army because I'm never down that way anymore, and I've found a few good deals there in the past, AND a local babywearing mama found not only a brand new Didymos woven wrap there but also a ring sling. I haven't been as lucky.
I have most of Adam's summer clothes (or at least I hope I do, size wise), but I've been wanting to get him some T-shirts because how cute will he be running around in his cloth diapers and T-shirts?! For some reason the t-shirts were decently priced so I got 9 of them for
$7.33. On a sidenote/rant they totally jacked up their prices. They moved to a new building, and things are seriously waaay too much for a thrift store! I found a brand new package of sandbox toys, with the Target price of $2.50 still on them, and they were asking $3.99!!! Um, what??? No.
9 T-shirts for $7.33!! |
Anyways, then we stopped at JoAnn Fabrics because I needed some invisible zippers for some pillows I am making (Kelly I PROMISE I am making your pillow soon, but I'm not sure if it will have a zipper because they are kinda tricky on a curve, oooh, actually unless I put it in the middle of the football on the Iowa side of the fabric, let me know). I used 3 50% off coupons and spent
$5.43 for 3 zippers.
And I'm giving fair warning that tomorrow is going to be bad. Tom needs new shirts so we're off to Target. At least there is a $5/$25 coupon available!