Without sounding too much like a complete drama queen, I do have to say that it is changing my life. Okay, not really, however I LOVE it and the organizing/list making side of me (which seems to get more intense as the years go on) LOVES the functionality of all of the different apps!! It is so easy to organize shopping trips, plan meals, keep track of the budget, and just jot things down as they come into my head.
Oh! I got so carried away I almost forgot to tell you how I got it for 75% off! It was originally $200. I had my $50 "upgrade credit" since I haven't bought a new phone in 2 years (which came off instantly...that was nice because in the past you always had to submit for a rebate which came in the form of a giftcard). Because the iphone 5 is coming out soon, Verizon is doing a promotion if you upgrade to a smartphone and trade in your old phone they will give you a $100 giftcard. I can use the giftcard to pay bills, so I will just use the $100 budgeted for next month's bill toward the phone and voila! A $50 iphone!