Saturday, July 30, 2011

Deals of the Week: Jewel & CVS

I didn't post last week because #1 I had to work all day Saturday and I was exhausted, #2 our internet went out sometime Saturday and wasn't restored until Tuesday night (crazy storms), and #3 to be honest I'm not even sure I scored any good deals! We've been doing a little grocery shopping here and there but haven't had many big trips in the past couple of weeks...which has actually been kind of nice, because in return we haven't been spending much money (and our previous stockpile has allowed us to be just fine and not really need anything except milk and fresh stuff). Anyways, here are our Jewel and CVS trips from this past week.

Spent $9.18
Saved $ 11.40
Received $1 coupon to use on next visit


I cashed in some credit card reward points to get a $50 CVS giftcard. I wonder how long I can stretch it out for!?

Spent $10.35 (On gift card, so $0 OOP)

Saved $26.53

Received $17 in ECB's

Monday, July 18, 2011

My trip for Flour

I decided I wanted to make homemade pizza crust on Saturday. I was excited because I had 1 yeast packet left, so I started making it. Then I checked the flour bin...and it was almost empty! I grabbed my purse (and a few coupons) and darted off to Jewel (on a Saturday afternoon...yikes!).

Spent $16.70
Saved $15.20
Received: 2 Free Milk coupons, $2 coupon on next visit, 1 Dr. Pepper Cherry 2 Liter (they were giving these away for free at the register)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Deal of the Week

Soooo, I think I'm going to start calling my "Weekly Savings" posts "Deal(s) of the Week." It seems more logical since I'm only posting the good deals and not posting every single thing I buy each week.

So for this week's Deal of the Week? $2 Target jeans!! On clearance for $4.98, used $3 off denim coupon from, and voila! $2 jeans! Not as good as free jeans, but hey, I'll take it!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fun but not Frugal Shopping Trips

We didn't really do much shopping last week because my family was in town. I did, however, stop at Trader Joe's and Jewel to pick up a few things I've been craving lately. Of course I had NO coupons for any of it and most of it wasn't on sale...but oh well!


Spent $12.32

Saved...are you ready for this? $0.20!! (eeep!)


2 bags of Skinny Pop

2 bags of brown rice

1 bag of popcorn kernals

Trader Joe's

Spent $10.78

4 bags of edamame

2 bags of Wasabi peas (only one is in the picture because the other one was in the living room being torn into)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Weekly Savings

Wooo wooo! Stopped at Jewel after my birthday dinner because I had some cheese coupons that were expiring that day and there was finally a good sale to match them up with!Spent $5.66
Saved $47.40
Received $7 catalina (coupon) to use at my next visit at Jewel!

Also, here's the rest of our shopping trip from this weekend: Jewel (again), Dominck's and Aldi. I normally don't post everything we buy each week, just the best deal shopping trips (I always leave Aldi out), but today I figured, what the heck? Here's everything!

Jewel Trip #2

Spent $8.73 (used $7 catalina from last trip)

Saved $23.40

Received $12 catalina to use at next visit


Spent $45.74

Saved $60.85

(These numbers will actually end up being a lot better because I'm submitting for a $10 meat rebate and a $5 Gas Gift Card from the cereal. So it will be more like Spent $30.74 Saved $75.85).


Spent $23.59

Saved $5ish??? Who knows but everything was pretty cheap!!

So total spent this week $83.72, total saved $136.65, received $12 off next visit to Jewel and will be receiving $10 rebate from ground beef purchase at Dom's and $5 gas gift card from cereal purchase at Dom's.