Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Menu Plan Monday: Tuesday Edition
Sunday: PW's Leftover Turkey Pot Pie
Monday: Spaghetti
Tuesday: Broccoli, turkey, and cheese bake
Wednesday: Salad, Crockpot Mozzarella Chicken
Thursday: Chicken Scampi, cauliflower
Friday: Homemade calzones
Saturday: I'm always stumped on Saturdays...maybe some kind of soup?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Weekly Savings

10 boxes Green Giant vegetables
12 pack Sam Adams
12 pound turkey
3 pound pot roast
5 sweet potatoes
2 bags shredded cheese
3 lemons
1 box corn starch
1 bag cinnamon rolls
3 containters sage, rosemary, & thyme
1/2 pint of oysters
Friday, November 26, 2010
My Black Friday Deals

2 Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice
Bic Soleil razors
Hair bands
2L of Canada Dry Gingerale
Thursday, November 25, 2010
CVS Black Friday Trip

1 Gallon of milk
Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner
Eucerin Lotion
Colgate Toothpaste
Gillette Deodorant
Carmex Lip Balm
Reeses Pieces
According to my receipts I saved $23.61 (Yes, that is receiptS as in plural...I divided up my order into 4 transactions to minimize my OOP cost).
And believe it or not, I'm actually NOT going shopping tomorrow! I may hit up Walgreens for some cheap razors and sparkling grape juice, but I don't really count that as Black Friday Shopping. This will be the first time in as long as I can remember that I haven't gone shopping on Black Friday!! Hopefully it's a sign of my progress in regards to only buying what we "need" or really, really, really want!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: Salad, Company Mac and Cheese
Monday: Italian Spinach Pie
Tuesday: Beef beer roast, Oven roasted potatoes
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Oyster Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Herb Roasted Turkey & Stuffing, Lemon Meringue Pie
Friday: Pioneer Woman's Turkey Pot Pie
Saturday: Best Ever Turkey Noodle Soup
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday over at Org Junkie's site!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Weekly Savings

Target (on left)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday Crispy herb baked chicken, toasted orzo, avocados
Monday World's Best Potato Salad, An adaptation of Pioneer Woman's Potato Skins, salad
Tuesday Baked Potato Soup, salad
Wednesday Almond, Chicken, and Rice Casserole
Thursday Chicken Quesadillas
Friday Homemade pizza with Pioneer Woman's pizza crust recipe
Saturday I'm not really sure yet! Possibly leftovers, possibly some kind of soup
Saturday, November 13, 2010
CVS & Walgreens...again

Can you tell it's almost baking season? And free toothbrushes so we don't get cavities. :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
CVS & Walgreens

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Top 5 Favorite Kitchen Items
1. Kitchenaid Scissors
2. Food Processor
3. Mini Food Processor
4. Garlic Press
5. Crock pot
What are your favorite kitchen items???
Monday, November 1, 2010
We interrupt regularly scheduled Menu Plan Monday....
But the key word is "us." It would have been much more difficult had it been just one of us trying to find our way. And Chicago IS the 3rd largest city in the country! And I did just earn some extra money from completing the Virgin Healthymiles program through my work. Okay, I am completely rationalizing my purchase!
I think what surprises me more than anything is the complete spontaneity of it. Usually I research, and research, and research products and debate over whether or not we really need them and then spend days to weeks trying to find the best deal. Not Thursday night. The whole process took less than an hour. And I don't regret it one bit :)
*Regularly scheduled Menu Plan Monday may or may not return next week. It all depends on when our movers arrive with all of our belongings and if our internet is set up at the new place and if I'm organized enough to make a menu plan for our first week in our new apartment in a new city!