Sunday, April 22, 2012

Deals of the Week: Target & CVS

I ran to Target and CVS this morning before the Flyers game.  Since it's Earth Day, Target was giving out free mini bags (some Targets were giving out samples and coupons in their bags, but no surprise to me that mine wasn't).  I was kind of hoping for a regular size bag, but whatever, it was free.  
Spent $6.59 Saved $11.56

This is probably the worst CVS trip I've done so far, but I needed some olive oil and it wasn't a bad price. Tom needed some more soap so I bought some with their "Buy 2, Get 1 free" deal. I didn't even have any soap coupons! 
Spent $20.97 Saved $48.74 Recieved $16 in ECB's

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Freebies from my mailbox (and inbox)

I kind of took a break from signing up for free samples, simply because I haven't had the time to even check the few frugal blogs I have on my Google Reader. But last month I was able to sign up for a few good ones on my day off.

Tide Pods sample
Gud Lotion sample (& coupon)
Lipton tea sample (& coupon)
2 Free Coffeemate creamer coupons
Free Domino's Artisan Pizza

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Deals of the Week: Target & Jewel

Spent $5.05
Saved $20.83


Spent $5.07
Saved $20.12

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Deal of the Week: Dominicks

So I had only planned on getting a handful of things from Dom's this week and stocking up at Aldi, but Aldi was closed today for Easter so the Dominicks trip ended up being bigger than anticipated! Spent $65.86
Saved $59.06

We would have saved more than we spent but good ol' Sam tipped the scales in the opposite direction ;)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Deal of the Week: Dominicks

Just a little Doms trip this week!

Spent $12.49
Saved $18.80